Out of the blue, and old 'Associate'! By the name of Billy MacKenzie contacted both Blair and Philipp in 1989 with a view to recording some demos to hopefully procure a record deal with CIRCA Records an off-shoot of Virgin who were indeed interested.
Billy, for those who may not know, had a voice to die for. Soaring, powerful and exuberant with a personality to match! Hits in the 80's included Party Fears Two and 18 Carat Love Affair.
Spending some time, now in their own home studios, working out the arrangements and musical content, Blair and Philipp were asked to record the demos in Dundee. However, they were told that they would be staying in Dundee and commuting? To Edinburgh?? After some negotiations over who stays where, the demos were recorded and Billy landed his deal with CIRCA Records.
The album was entitled Wild & Lonely. Julian Mendelsohn produced the album at Sarm West studios in London. Philipp and Blair also recorded, in part, Billy's second album Outernational. Glasgow had become European City of The Year and so the Big Event took place and the Associates played to a wonderful audience. Blair, Philipp and Billy along with some new cohorts performed live on the ever popular The Late Show.